Eusko Ikaskuntza - Laboral Kutxa Prize of Humanities, Culture, Arts and Social Sciences


The aim is to acknowledge and reward the work undertaken by persons who research and work in the areas of Humanities, Culture, Art and Social Science in Euskal Herria. Eusko Ikaskuntza and LABORAL Kutxa seek to acknowledge those persons who stand out in their area, making them a reference for all round them.

This award has two modalities:

Eusko Ikaskuntza - Laboral Kutxa Award in Humanities, Culture, Art and Social Science

Established in 1995 to distinguish persons who are active in these areas with outstanding CVs in the areas of Humanities, Culture, Art and Social Science, this award is one of the most prestigious in its field.

Both men and women dedicated to research, science and culture who dedicate their activity to enhancing the cultural development of Euskal Herria can compete. Proposals may be presented either individually or by university, scientific or cultural entity.

Candidates for the award will be selected by  applying rigorously and objectively the rules of curricula evaluation. The composition of the jury is, therefore, the ultimate expression of this guarantee: representatives of rectors from universities in the geographical field of action of Eusko Ikaskuntza, as well as the organising entities, Eusko Ikaskuntza and LABORAL Kutxa.

One sole prize of €20,000 will be awarded.

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Eusko Ikaskuntza - Laboral Kutxa Gazte Saria

The Eusko Ikaskuntza - Laboral Kutxa Gazte Saria prize was set up in March 2019 on the occasion of the 25th edition of the aforementioned award.  The aim is to acknowledge the work undertaken by young people in the of Humanities, Culture, Arts and Social Sciences

Projects, research, creative work, audio-visuals, etc. may opt for the prize, provided they have a future projection and are linked to the present-day.

The award will be decided by a jury made up of distinguished professionals in the areas of the award, as well as representatives of Eusko Ikaskuntza and LABORAL Kutxa.

The award is €6,000.

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Eusko Ikaskuntza - Laboral Kutxa Prize of Humanities, Culture, Arts and Social Sciences