Agreement between Eusko Ikaskuntza and Grupo Noticias

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Agreement between Eusko Ikaskuntza and Grupo Noticias

El acuerdo firmado establece un marco de colaboración entre ambas entidades orientado a la difusión abierta de contenidos en profundidad de interés para la sociedad vasca.

Ana Urkiza, President of Eusko Ikaskuntza-Society of Basque Studies, and Juan José Baos, General Director of Grupo Noticias, have signed a collaboration agreement between both entities aimed at the dissemination of content of interest to Basque society, as well as to promote the exchange of knowledge in the areas that each entity is responsible for.

As stated in the agreement, the media belonging to Grupo Noticias will report, in Basque and Spanish, on the projects and activities developed by Eusko Ikaskuntza, and particularly on the XIX Congress of Basque Studies scheduled for autumn 2024. People Experts involved in these projects will give interviews and sign opinion articles regularly.

Given the coverage of Eusko Ikaskuntza in the Navarrese territory, the agreement establishes the creation of a specific work team with Diario de Noticias in order to define its coverage.

Digital platforms are also mentioned with different proposals that must take shape over the four years in which the duration of the agreement has been set.

In another order, Grupo Noticias will collaborate and coordinate closely with Eusko Ikaskuntza in the identification of specialists belonging to its network of contacts who can help delve deeper into the topics that are determined from time to time.

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