Monografías de EI

15 años de la Ley del Euskera en la Educación, Administración y Medios de Comunicación [RIEV 43, 2 (1998)]

15 años de la Ley del Euskera en la Educación, Administración y Medios de Comunicación [RIEV 43, 2 (1998)]

Author[s]: Monreal Zia, Gregorio [et al.]

Publication year:
Publication place:
319-459 or. : ir. ; 24 cm.


Coinciding in time with the approval of the new Plan of Revitalisation of the Basque Language, RIEV publishes a Dossier on The fifteen years of the Law on the Basque Language in Education, Administration and Media. With this publication we wish to make a balance, to use the very words of Gregorio Monreal, Director of the Magazine, "of the achievements and failures of the Law on Normalisation of the Basque Language, after more than decade and a half since its adoption". The articles offered in the Dossier are, in the first place, the exemplary parliamentary defence of the Draft Law, that was carried out by Pedro Miguel Etxenike, who was then responsible for the Department of Education in the Basque Government. This is followed by a critical reflection by Professor of Administrative Law Edorta Cobreros, in connection with the linguistic policies designed since the approval of that law and sustained by it. Thirdly, in accordance with the legal division of the application of officialdom in three fields, a study us made on the impact thereof in the public Administration of the Basque Autonomous Community. Iñaki Agirreazkuenga, Professor of Administrative Law and the Director of the IVAP, Doctor Josu Iñaki Erkoreka, approach the study of this field from different angles. The former concentrates on the problem of language planning in the various Basque administrations, and notes the possibility of zoning the use of both languages in the municipal field. The director of the IVAP examines the design of the promotion of the Basque language effected by the Basque Government in 1986 and its concretion in 1989. Subsequently, the area of application of the Law on Normalisation by excellence is approached. This is "the area where results have been most spectacular". Mikel Zalbide, chief of the Basque Language Service in the Department of Education, Universities and Research, presents a detailed study of the evolution of bilingual non-university teaching starting from the models envisaged in Decree 138/83 on Bilingualism. Finally, Professor Javier Díaz Noci, deals with the application of the Law in the media (written press, radio and television and in the Internet).




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