Administrazio eta Prozeduraren 30/1992, azaroaren 26ko Legearen Aldaketa eta euskararen ofizialkidetasuna. Harridurak, zalantzak, noraezak eta, batez ere, galderak

Eleria. Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria


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Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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In the context of the reform recently carried out in article 36 of Law 30/1992 dated 26thNovember, this work analyzes the shocking effects that a positive and reasonable modification in itself as is the suppression of the obligation to translate to Castilian Spanish in every case documents, files or parts of these drafted in any of the co-official languages of the autonomous regions which are to be effective in the territory of a different Autonomous Community from the one in which that language is also official. This seems to take place within a context in which the regulation of some languages has been carried out attending more to the idea of defending the speaking community of presumed and hypothetical exterior aggressions than to strictly linguistic considerations. The cases of Valencian and Basque in Navarra are studied in this paper.
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