Aurretiazko ordainketa epekako betebeharretan. Kreditu-arlo espezifikoan aldez aurretik amortizatzeko eskubidea

Viteri Zubia, Ibon
- Publication year:
- 2013
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 1137-1951
With specific regard to credit, Spanish legislation has repeatedly acknowledged the borrower´s right to early settlement. This entitlement gives the possibility of clearing an outstanding loan in advance with a direct payment. However, this may result in a loss for the creditor; the conflict must be handled in accordance with laws applicable in this field. This involves an in-depth change in the regulations of the Civil Code, since this law considers advance payment to be in principle a deviation from the lending program.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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