Laguntza publikoen kontrolaren erreforma eta horren eragina Euskadin

Eleria. Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria

Etxabe Jauregi, Jon

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Donostia-San Sebastián

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The European Union´s policy for defending competition is a key tool for guaranteeing that the internal market functions properly. Following the recent financial crisis, the philosophy on State subsidies has collapsed, and the economic system has been immersed in chaos. Likewise, doubt has been cast on whether the Basque institutions have the capacity to pass legislation in this sphere, despite the fact that they have the power to do so. Nevertheless, EU jurisprudence has adopted an attitude in favour of upholding the powers of the regions. This attitude began to emerge in the case of the Azores and has been confirmed in the ruling handed down by the High Court of the Basque Autonomous Community on the occasion of the measures taken by the Basque Charter Institutions.
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