Actividad física y bienestar psicológico

XVII Basque Studies Congress: Gasteiz, 2009. Innovation for sustainable social progress

Fernández, Arantza
; Infante Bolinaga, Guillermo
; Ros, Iker

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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Developed countries, gradually, have become more sedentary, even in our society. That entails detriment to citizen´s health and quality of life. The lack of movement has become a hazardous factor of numerous diseases. The benefits, which are well known, entail the actives lifestyles in the physical and somatic context; however the psychological benefits are not so well known. This is what the originality of this study is based on: we´ll try to throw light on the benefits and the well-being that entail the physical activity´s practice.
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