Puntua, bi puntu, hiru puntu... Puntuazioa Gipuzkoako gazteen eskola testuetan

Hizkuntza eta heziketa prozesuak: hezkuntza eleaniztasuna = Lenguas y procesos formativos: educación plurilingüe

Muñoa Errasti, Ion
; Pérez Gaztelu, Elixabete
; Zulaika Ijurco, Esther

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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Punctuation is an essential mainstay in the written text. Even though it has been relegated to the sphere of spelling, punctuation is directly related to text structure and organisation; and consequently, to text communicability. This paper examines punctuation in school texts produced by students in the first year of the sixth form in Gipuzkoa. A study has been conducted into how these students, who live in a multilingual context, use punctuation marks in written communication in the Basque Autonomous Community´s two official languages (Basque and Spanish).
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