Familiar strangers: the reflective gaze on the Basque Country between the two Carlist Wars

RIEV. Cuadernos, 2. Imaging the Basques: Foreign Views on the Basque Country

Sánchez-Prieto, Juan María

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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Spain and the Basque Country, favoured in their turn by the myth of Spain which had been forged during the Peninsular War and the First Carlist War, were able to attract the eyes of a multitude of observers. These would bring forth a flood of images of the Basque singularity; and these images, taken as a whole, differ from earlier visions as well as from those elaborated during the Second Carlist War and, above all, after 1876, i.e., once the Basque Fueros were definitely abolished by the Spanish State.
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