Obras completas del Padre Donostia

10 vols. : partituras ; 25 cm.
In addition to being an important composer, Jose Gonzalo Zulaica Arregui, better known as Aita Donostia (1886-1956), was an avid researcher and disseminator of ethnic music and folklore. All his productions in this field have been published in ten volumes. The first three include articles, diaries and reviews. Volumes IV and V are transcriptions of his conferences. Cancionero Vasco (Basque Songbook), a collection of nearly two thousand song lyrics and musical scores of the popular repertory occupy the following four volumes (VI to IX). The tenth and last volume is a collection of Notas de Folklore put together by Aita Donostia during his research work.
OBRAS COMPLETAS del P. Donostia. – Preparación y prólogo: Padre Jorge de Riezu. – Bilbao: La Gran Enciclopedia Vasca, 1983. – 3 vols. : il., partituras ; 25 cm. – (Obras Completas del P. Donostia ; 1, 2, 3) – ISBN: 84-248-0759-6 (O.C.).
OBRA LITERARIA del P. Donostia. – Preparación y prólogo: Padre Jorge de Riezu. – Donostia: Eusko Ikaskuntza, 1985. – 2 vols. : il., partituras ; 25 cm. – (Obras Completas del P. Donostia ; 4, 5). – ISBN: 84-248-0759-6 (O.C.).
CANCIONERO Vasco [música impresa] del P. Donostia. – Edición P. Jorge de Riezu ; cols. Juan Mari Beltran, Claudio Zudaire. – Donostia: Eusko Ikaskuntza, 1994. – 4 vols. (XXXVII, 2250 p.) : il., map., partituras ; 25 cm. – (Obras Completas del P. Donostia ; 6, 7, 8, 9). – ISBN: 84-87471-67-6 (O.C.).
NOTAS de folklore del P. Donostia. – Edit. Lit. Emilio Xabier Dueñas. – Donostia: Eusko Ikaskuntza, 2016.