Nekane Balluerka, EHUko errektorea. Hauteskunde kanpainiaren azterketa komunikazioaren ikuspegitik (2016-2017)
![Mediatika. Cuadernos de Medios de Comunicación, 16 [on line]](/files/argitalpenak/mediatika_16_270.jpg)
Agirregabiria Lasagabaster, Ander
- Publication year:
- 2017
- Publication place:
- Donostia ; Leioa
- Characteristics:
- BIBLID [eISSN 1988-3935 (2017), 16; 7 - 36
- 1137-4462; eISSN: 1988-3935
The designation of Basque radical rock (‘rock radical vasco’, or RRV) was a direct consequence of the resignification of punk. This article offers a set of essential keys to understanding the process by which Basque punk became an urban and political rock genre and an instrument for identity catharsis along leftwing Basque national lines.
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