International Journal on Basque Studies, RIEV

Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 45, 1

Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 45, 1

Author[s]: Goenaga, Patxi... [et al.]

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In Issue 45.1 (2000.1) of the International Magazine of the Basque Studies (RIEV), in addition to its customary Review sections - mention is made of the latest and most outstanding publications on Basque topics. Tesis - a list of doctoral thesis expounded in the universities of the Basque Country and commentaries on those related to Basque culture -, and Noticia - the most outstanding events in the Society of Basque Studies and in the Basque Country - covers, through the articles published in the Tribuna section the principal fields of Basque culture and society. Patxi Goenaga analyses the nature and work of Euskaltzaindia, the assignment of which is centred in the unification of the Basque Language. Pedro Luis Uriarte assesses the history of the Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria. As a continuation of his History of Art in the Basque Country, Juan Plazaola devotes this chapter to Roman art, while the Historia de Vasconia series deals in this occasion with the Early Middle Ages, with the collaboration of Raquel García Arancón and José Angel García de Cortázar. Finally, the team formed by Neskuts Izagirre, Santos Alonso and Concepción de la Rúa speak of the contribution of polymorphisms of DNA as a way of analysis of the evolutionary history of the Basque population.




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