International Journal on Basque Studies, RIEV
Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 67, 2

Author[s]: Arganda-Carreras, Ignacio [guest editor]
- Publication year:
- 2022
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- BIBLID [0212-7016 (2022), 67, 2]
- 0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180
This is the first issue of RIEV journal designed entirely by Jakiunde and is made up of nine articles written in English on Artificial Intelligence. The articles address some aspects of the development and impact of Artificial Intelligence and report on the current state of research in this field and its possible consequences in the future.
- Summary (Vol. 67, 2)
- Echeverria, Javier (1); Ugalde, Jesus M. (2) Introduction: Artificial Intelligence its Potential and Limits
- Gómez Pin, Víctor Mankind questions its status
- Pinillos, Iñaki Artificial Intelligence is created by humans
- Alkorta, Itziar Five crucial challenges for regulation of Medical artificial intelligence
- Tejada, Javier Artificial Intelligence: From Theodicy to Technodice
- Martínez, Naroa (1); Agudo, Ujué (2); Matute, Helena (3) Human cognitive biases present in Artificial Intelligence
- Errea, Ion (1); Garcia-Lekue, Aran (2) Materials Science Powered by Machine Learning
- Bustince, Humberto From Artificial Intelligence to digital humanities
- Arganda-Carreras, Ignacio [Guest editor] Adimen Artifizialaren ahalmenak eta mugak. Laburpena
- Egileen inguruan / Sobre los autores y las autoras / About the authors (Vol. 67, 2)
- Analytic Summary (Vol. 67, 2)