Riev Cuadernos
RIEV. Cuadernos, 12. Euskal Autogobernuaren etorkizuna: ereduen azterketa alderatua eta dimentsio europarra
Author[s]: Juan José Álvarez Rubio [ed. lit.]
- Publication year:
- 2016
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- 173 or. ; 24 cm. - (RIEV. Cuadernos ; 12)
- 978-84-8419-277-0
- Price, not member:
- 14 €
- Price, member:
- 8 €
The analysis of the future of Basque self-government requires a comparative study of heterogeneous models of territorial distribution of political power within Europe as well as consideration of the European institutional dimension to infer ideas for reflection on how to adapt our unique powers, both ad intra and ad extra, to the new political realities of the twenty-first century.
- Kredituak = Créditos (RIEV. Cuad. 12)
- Sumario / Summary (RIEV. Cuad. 12)
- Filibi, Igor Hitzaurrea / Prólogo / Foreword
- Álvarez, Juan José Aurkezpena / Presentación / Presentation
- Egitaraua / Programa
- Scott, Andrew Scotland: from Devolution to Independence?
- Criekemans, David Flanders / Belgium: identity and national coexistence, and the representation of the interests of the Belgian federation vis-à-vis the European institutions
- Schmitt, Nicolas In the country of William Tell, the myth becomes reality: Some reflections about cantons' sovereignty
- Aranbarri, Asier Erregio errealitatearen papera Europa
- Bengoetxea, Joxerramon Nazio-Erregio izatetik Estatukide izatera: barneko zabalkuntza Europar Batasunean
- Álvarez, Juan José Ondorioak: Autogobernuaren etorkizuna: hausnarketa konstruktibo bat
- Álvarez, Juan José Conclusiones: El futuro del Autogobierno Vasco: una reflexión constructiva
- Álvarez, Juan José Conclusions: The future of Basque Self-government: A Constructive Reflection
- Egileak / Autores / Authors
- Analytic Summary (RIEV. Cuad. 12)