Madeleine de Jauréguiberry. Omenaldia-Hommage

Author[s]: Fagoaga, Jean [et al.]
- Publication year:
- 2001
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- 84-8419-930-4
- DOI:
During his long life (1884-1977) elapsed in her natal province of Xuberoa, Madeleine de Jauréguiberry tirelessly carried out a series of activities in favour of the Basque language, Basque culture and Basque traditions.She also created also the first Basque women?s movement in Iparralde, Begiraleak and during the Spanish civil war, she supported Basque refugees and defended their cause before eminent catholic personalities. She certainly deserved the Pastoral that was dedicated to her by Pier-Paul Berçaïts and the village of Esquiule, as well as the homage that was made in her honour by various authors whose conferences are reproduced here. This was done under the initiative of Eusko Ikaskuntza in the town hall of Mauleón on 22nd July 2000.
- DAVANT, Jean-Louis Madeleine de Jauréguiberry: Oritzapen zonbait
- Coyos, Battittu Souletin et batua: pour un duo plutôt qu´un duel
- Cornu, Maddy Madeleine de Jauréguiberry un grand chêne plein d´oiseaux
- Arramendy, Jean Madeleine de Jauréguiberry
- Althabegoïty, Poyo Madeleine de Jauréguiberry, Sibaseko Anderea
- Albizu, Danielle IKAS, kultur elkarte baten adibidea = IKAS, association ; culturelle basque
- Lougarot, Jean Alkatearen Agurra = Salutations du Marie
- Ajuriaguerra, Isabelle Madeleine de Jauréguiberry, fondatrice de Begiraleak, premier mouvement de femmes en Iparralde
- Malharin, Jeanne Marie Analytic Summary
- Malharin, Jeanne Marie Alozeko andeia
- Larronde Aguerre, Jean-Claude Madeleine de Jauréguiberry et le mouvement eskualerriste. Son action dans la guerre civile
- Fagoaga, Jean Aurkezpena