Riev Cuadernos
RIEV. Cuadernos, 3. Sub-State entities and co-sovereignty within the EU
Egileak: Ezeizabarrena, Xabier; MacClancy, Jeremy, eds.
- Argitalpen urtea:
- 2008
- Argitalpen tokia:
- Donostia
- Ezaugarriak:
- 236 or. ; 24 cm. ? (RIEV. Cuadernos ; 3)
- 978-84-8419-162-9
Liburu horrek subiranotasunari buruzko kontzeptu berriak jorratzen ditu, europar gutxiengoen ikuspegi berezian oinarrituta. Horietako batzuek etxean konstituzioak onarturiko beren erregimena dute. Kontzeptu horien barruan, Europar Batasuneko sistemak egunez egun erakusten digu subiranotasuna partekatzea posiblea izateaz gain, EBko sistema barruan integratzeko prozesuak gauzatzeko ere eraginkorra izan dela.
- Herrero y Rodríguez de Miñón, Miguel Minorities and Historical Titles: the Search of Identity
- Bengoetxea Caballero, Joxerramon Sub-state entities and co-sovereignty within the EU: the Basque case in the current situation
- Bas, Luc Flemish Activity and Perspective at the EU and the UN
- Quinn, Matthew Wales and the EU and UN
- Karl, Josef C. Bavaria is Germany, isn´t it? The case of the German Land Bavaria. A Historical and Political Approach
- Jurado, Elena Regionalisation and the Eastward enlargement of the European Union: a missed opportunity?
- Ezeizabarrena Sáenz, Xabier Basque Historical Rights within the European Union. A path towards co-sovereignty
- Keating, Michael European Integration and the Nationalities Question
- Loughlin, John ; Lux, Suzannah Subnational Finances in Spain: Lessons for the UK?
- Watson, Maxwell Sub-State Entities within the EU: Experience, Economics and Enlargement
- Ezeizabarrena Sáenz, Xabier Foreword: Europe & Co-Sovereignty>
- Analytic Summary