Emaitzak adoz datoz: "Zientzia teknologikoak "
Emaitzak: 1-tik 10-ra, guztira: 378.

Evolutionary analysis of human prosociality: an approach based on the study of HPA axis related genes in informative ancient populations
Aldasoro-Zabala, Aloña (1); Hervella, Montse (2); De-la-Rúa, Concepción (3)
- Publicación:
- 2024
- Ezaugarriak:
- 24 cm. BIBLID [0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180 (2024), 69, 2]. - http://doi.org/10.61879/riev692zkia202404

The circle game
Alonso, Alicia (1); Prieto, Manuel (2); Goñi, Félix M. (3)
- Publicación:
- 2024
- Ezaugarriak:
- 24 cm. BIBLID [0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180 (2024), 69, 2]. - http://doi.org/10.61879/riev692zkia202402

Foreword: Towards a "New Renaissance" of the Beautiful Scientific Arts. Hitzaurrea: Arte Zientifiko Ederren Berpizkunde Berrirantz ("New Renaissance")
Ugalde, Jesus M. (1); Echeverria, Javier (2)
- Publicación:
- 2024
- Ezaugarriak:
- 24 cm. BIBLID [0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180 (2024), 69, 2]. - http://doi.org/10.61879/riev692zkia202401

Human Preference Formation and Measurement of Impact in Large Techno-Social Systems
Palacios-Huerta, Ignacio
- Publicación:
- 2023
- Ezaugarriak:
- 24 cm. BIBLID [0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180 (2023), 68, 2] - Recep: 2023-09-23; Accep.: 2023-11-03

Basque Research and Innovation as a learning techno-social system: organization, policies, and challenges
Otegui-Feliz, Itziar (1); Ibarra, Andoni (2); Pitarke, José María (3)
- Publicación:
- 2023
- Ezaugarriak:
- 24 cm. BIBLID [0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180 (2023), 68, 2] - Recep: 2023-10-03; Accep.: 2023-11-14

Humanized Computing for higher collaboration and reciprocal learning between machines and people
López-de-Ipiña, Diego (1); Casado-Mansilla, Diego (2); Puerta-Beldarrain, Maite (3); Gómez-Carmona, Oihane (4)
- Publicación:
- 2023
- Ezaugarriak:
- 24 cm. BIBLID [0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180 (2023), 68, 2] - Recep: 2023-09-11; Accep.: 2023-11-03

Elements of complex networks
Larrañaga, Pedro (1); P. Soloviev, Vicente (2)
- Publicación:
- 2023
- Ezaugarriak:
- 24 cm. BIBLID [0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180 (2023), 68, 2] - Recep: 2023-09-01; Accep: 2023-10-17

Critical and concious digital humanities: a decalogue for the short future
Ipiña Larrañaga, Nagore (1); Atxa Uribe, Vicente (2)
- Publicación:
- 2023
- Ezaugarriak:
- 24 cm. BIBLID [0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180 (2023), 68, 2] - Recep.: 2023-10-17; Accep.: 2023-11-14

The co-UTOPIA of the 21st century city
Apezteguía, Maite
- Publicación:
- 2023
- Ezaugarriak:
- 24 cm. BIBLID [0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180 (2023), 68, 2] - Recep.: 2023-09-04; Accep.: 2023-11-23

Foreword: Large Techno Social Systems. Emergence of Social Welfare Techno Systems = Hitzaurrea: Sistema teknosozial handiak. Gizarte-ongizateko teknosistemen sorrera
Echeverria, Javier (1); Ugalde, Jesus M. (2)
- Publicación:
- 2023
- Ezaugarriak:
- 24 cm. BIBLID [0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180 (2023), 68, 2]
Emaitzak: 1-tik 10-ra, guztira: 378.