Azkoaga. Cuadernos de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas

Baiona-Donostia Euskal Eurohiriari buruzko gogoeta jardunaldiak = Journées de reflexion sour l´Eurocité Basque Bayonne-San Sebastián = Jornadas de reflexión sobre la Eurociudad Vasca Bayonne-San Sebastián

Baiona-Donostia Euskal Eurohiriari buruzko gogoeta jardunaldiak = Journées de reflexion sour l´Eurocité Basque Bayonne-San Sebastián = Jornadas de reflexión sobre la Eurociudad Vasca Bayonne-San Sebastián

Author[s]: Basterra, Jon [et al.]

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This issue of Azkoaga Magazine collects the interventions and conclusions of an important cycle of conferences that took place from October 2000 to June 2001 on the Bayonne - San Sebastián Eurocity. The format of the cycle was adjusted in general terms to a presentation of the purpose of each session by the person in charge, the dissertation on the various motions, and a final summary accomplished by a researcher that was not specialised in the session matter. The speakers, the same as the places where the sessions were held, were chosen on each side of the frontier. The topics of the sessions, to which the interventions collected here make reference to, were, in the order they were held, as follows: "Urban identity and the importance of citizen implication", "Historical references of the encounters between the two territories", "Possibilities and legal limits for the development of trans-border co-operation", "Socio-economic dynamics", and "The Eurocity in the framework of European perspectives in land planning". The thirty motions and the synthesis of each one of the sessions therefore constitute an academic approximation to the characteristics and expectations of the Bayonne - San Sebastian Eurocity with the intention of contributing to its development.




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