Hiritarren partaidetza hirigintza plangintzan: azterketa juridikoa eta praktikoa. Bereziki Interbentzio Gune Partehartzaileak (NIP)

- Publication year:
- 1997
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 1137-1951
This article analyzes the way in which the participation of the citizenry is envisaged in urban planning, as a rule, within the legal framework and what this implies in terms of urban planning. Participation is converted into a fundamental cornerstone in that it provides planning with the deepest democratic legitimation. The law regulates the processing of the public information for this purpose. However, the crux of the issue is as follows: does this period of public information attain its proposed legal objective? This study covers the initial approval of the General Plan for San Sebastián and its period of subsequent public information as well as the Participative Intervention Nuclei used in various other town councils.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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