Jentilbaratz. Cuadernos de Folklore
Jentilbaratz. Cuadernos de Folklore
Author[s]: García, Mertxe... [et al.]
- Publication year:
- 2001
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- 1137-859X
The present volume, Jentilbaratz 7, is divided into two clearly differentiated sections; on one hand, two important field projects are presented to us. The first is by Josu Larrinaga Zugadi, on the Asociaciones de mocerías en la merindad de Busturia (Associations of Young People in the district of Busturia) known as "saragi mutil", that represent one of the most intrinsic aspects of organisation of young people in rural societies. The second work, by Kepa Fernández de Larrinoa, carries out an analysis on the aesthetic and interpretative criteria that are to be found in the traditional dances in folklore theatrical performances in Zuberoa, observing how they are configured and how they influence gender relations in the community. The second part of the Folklore notebook is the result of the sessions held by the Section in which there was discussion, reflection and presentations of various proposals and experiences on how traditional culture. An analysis was also made of how everything that is included in the term "folklore" educates and transmits certain values, concepts and procedures. A study was also made on how the knowledge of our folkloric heritage is disseminated by various institutions. The interest of these proposals and experiences is due to the variety and wealth that contributes to the debate on the suitability of the presence of traditional culture within school curricula and on the way the development of methodological processes should take place in teaching, in historiography, in the ethnomusicologic, folkloric and anthropologic fields and even in the current professional world. From here, a line of research opens in which it is clear that it is possible to develop quality education as from cultural resources extracted from our folkloric heritage.
- Analytic Summary
- JIMENO ARANGUREN, Roldán Estrategias educativas en la enseñanza de la danza tradicional en el exilio: el Centro Vasco de Caracas
- QUIJERA PÉREZ, José Antonio Sailkapen sistematika euskal folklore koreografikoan
- QUIJERA PÉREZ, José Antonio Giza dorreak folklore koreografikoan
- EGAÑA GOYA, Miren Kantu herrikoiak ikastolan baliabide. Donostiako Karkizano kaleko ikastola, 1964-75
- BELTRÁN ARGIÑENA, Juan Mari Lan erritmoetatik musikara
- ARRIBAS GALARRAGA, Silvia ; ARRUZA GABILONDO, Josean ; IBÁÑEZ ETXEBERRIA, Alex Tratamiento del folklore como material curricular en la formación inicial del profesorado
- AMENABAR PERURENA, Beñat Euskal Pilotako Joko Zaharren azterketa eta aplikazio didaktikoa
- VIDAL RODRÍGUEZ, Bernat La artesanía tradicional, elemento a recuperar dentro del factor educativo de nuestro folklore
- SEBASTIÁN GARCÍA, Lorenzo La Asesoría Técnica en Folklore Vasco del Departamento de Cultura de Euzkadi (1936-1937)
- LARRINAGA ZUGADI, Josu Asociaciones de mocerías en la Merindad de Busturia. Estudio de Antropología Social. I
- OREGI ZARAUTZ, Sabin Euskal Herriko Ikasbidearen oinarriak eta aldaketak
- FERNÁNDEZ DE LARRINOA, Kepa Carnival Performance, Gender and Ritual Heterodoxy
- LEGORBURU ARZAMENDI, Mikel Folklorea euskal curriculumaren globalizatzailea
- GARCÍA, Mercedes Hitzaurrea = Prólogo
- LARRINAGA ZUGADI, Josu Folklore infantil: de la tradición oral a la educación