
El historiador Esteban de Garibay

El historiador Esteban de Garibay

Author[s]: AA.VV.

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On occasion of the four hundredth anniversary of the death of Esteban de Garibay y Zamalloa (1533-1599), the historian from Arrasate and Phillip II?s official chronicler, the History and Geography Section of Eusko Ikaskuntza held sessions in which various topics were approached in May 2000. Among them were his life and personal perception of counter-reformist religiousness and of regalism; his historiographic conception and the influence other earlier Basque or Navarran historians had on his work; his position on Basque mythograpy, which in those times, in the 16th century was beginning to commit itself (Basque - Cantabrism, Basque - Iberiansm, ...); his political position (on the relationship between the Province of Guipúzcoa and the Crown of Spain, the intrinsic consideration of nobility and freedom of the peoples of Guipúzcoa); his work as a genealogist and chronicler; and his place of birth, Arrasate-Mondragón, in which he had various public posts of responsibility and which he constantly remembers in his works. The title of sessions was Esteban de Garibay, the historian and the conferences imparted are collected in this book.




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