Zainak. Cuadernos de Antropología-Etnografía

La imagen corporal, entre la biología y la cultura: antropología de la alimentación, nutrición y salud

La imagen corporal, entre la biología y la cultura: antropología de la alimentación, nutrición y salud

Author[s]: Esther M. Rebato, ed. lit.

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This volume compiles the interventions by the various specialists on attendance during the Second Symposium on Anthropology of Food, Nutrition and Health, held in Bilbao in November 2003. Since this was highly multidisciplinary matter, bio-anthropologists, physicians, nutritionists, psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, social and cultural anthropologists, ethnographers and other scholars specialised on the human being met in that symposium and exchanged their knowledge on the influence of nutrition in human populations in terms of health, on biological, ecological and social and cultural aspects of food, and debated on the contradictions of a world in which millions of people starve and millions of people suffer the effects of excessive food intake, of the pressure of the media and of certain industries on young people (particularly women) with respect to what should be considered an "attractive" and "healthy" body, with respect to a fashion and a culture tailor-made for thin people, and with respect to ideological aspects and the evolution of nutritional habits, and on the cultural phenomenon and social component ingredients that characterise body image nowadays




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