Hibridazio metodologiaren esperimentazioa euskarazko komunikabide batean
![Mediatika. Cuadernos de Medios de Comunicación, 17 [on line]](/files/argitalpenak/Mediatika_17_Azala.png)
Dávila Uzkudun, Idoia; Rivera Soñora, Garikoitz; Uralde Arrue, Mikel; Bidegain Aire, Eneko
- Publication year:
- 2019
- Publication place:
- Donostia ; Leioa
- Characteristics:
- BIBLID [eISSN 1988-3935 (2019), 17; 79 - 109]
- 1137-4462; eISSN: 1988-3935
Hybridizing is an often used method, with the aim of innovating, in production or business. It is the junction of two or three companies or sectors, in order to invent new products, beneficial to all participants of the process. We have tried to experiment this method with the Basque newspaper Berria. Beforehand, we have analyzed the activity of Berria in social network and the opinion of young people about this newspaper. Considering the fact that young people use essentially smartphones, we have proposed to explore possibilities of innovating products in this sector. After some meeting and interview, the culture center Tabakalera has been elected to experiment hybridization with Berria. We do not achieve the aim, and the experiment has ended without new product. However, this process has given some tracks for other opportunities.
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